Worship at OBC
10:30AM in the Sanctuary
We gather for traditional worship in our beautiful sanctuary surrounded by sacred symbols of the faith. Children bring in the cross and light the candles. Worship includes hymns and songs accompanied by organ and piano, a choral anthem sung by one of Oakland’s choirs, and often handbells or other special music.
People of all ages worship together. There is a children’s time during worship, where preschool and elementary children gather with one of the ministers to learn more about the theme of the day. Childcare is provided for ages 4 and younger. You may enter the sanctuary directly from the main front doors near the intersection of Ebenezer and Oakland, or come in any other door and a worship greeter will direct you to the sanctuary.
Our worship is live streamed each week beginning at 10:30AM. If you are unable to join us in person, you can watch live by clicking here.