Music Ministry
The goal of the Music Ministry of Oakland Baptist Church is to enable all persons to worship and experience the presence of God through congregational singing and the inspiration of choral and instrumental music. Oakland provides a place of service for those whose interest and talents lie in the area of music. Developing the art of music making begins at an early age and continues for a lifetime. Through participation in the Music Ministry, members of our various groups experience spiritual growth through their personal praise, love and devotion to God, increase their musical knowledge and skills, and develop life-long friendships. Our worship services are blessed by the wide variety of music presented by our vocal choirs, handbell choirs, early service band, and instrumentalist. Become a part of our musical family!
Music for Adults
Chancel Choir: Oakland’s Chancel Choir provides music at our Traditional worship service (11:00 am) that encompasses the entire musical spectrum. During Christmas and Easter, often the choir sings major works accompanied by orchestra. The Chancel Choir participates in Festival By the Sea and was a founding member of this festival. The choir is a close- knit family that readily opens its arms to new members.
Oakland Ringers: The Oakland Ringers is an adult handbell group that participates in worship several times throughout the church year. This group rings five octave of bells and handchimes and participates in yearly handbell festivals.
Music for Youth
Youth Choir (6th – 12th Graders): The Youth Choir sing for worship several times during the school year. Their annual participation in the Festival By the Sea, a youth choir festival in Myrtle Beach, is a highlight of the year. This choir was a founding member of this youth choir festival. Many of our teenagers are also highly involved in the chorus or band programs at their schools.
Jubal Ringers (6th – 12th Graders): The Jubal Ringers play regularly during the school year and display an advanced understanding of music reading and performance.
Music for Children
Children’s Choirs: We offer a music program for our 3 year olds -5th graders called Growing in Grace- All Creation Sings. This special time of music will feature lessons and music with a focus on God’s great creation. Children will have opportunities to learn about our beautiful world through singing, playing instruments, activities and scripture lessons.
Children’s Handbells (3rd-5th Graders): This is a beginning Handbell Choir. These students develop musical skills and play in worship several times per year.