
We give because God gave first.

Thank you for helping us be the presence of Christ at the crossroads of life through your financial contributions.

There are several easy ways to give online, both as a one-time gift or a recurring payment.

Other Giving Options:

  • Offering Box: Place your offering envelope in the brown offering boxes that are located by each door in the sanctuary. Offering envelopes can be mailed to your home or found in the pew racks in the sanctuary, as well as on the welcome table in the gym.

  • US Mail: Mail a check to the church address—1067 Oakland Ave, Rock Hill, SC 29732.

  • Online Bill Pay through your Bank: Set up a recurring check payment to the church for the weekly or monthly amount of your gift.

  • Bank Draft: Fill out a planning card (located in the church office) and attach a voided check. Choose to have your account drafted on the 1st or 15th of each month. Drafting your bank account is one of the most inexpensive ways to give (no fees), is efficient in regards to book keeping, and provides consistent income for the entire year which helps us in planning programs, ministries, and missions.