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Lenten Lunches are Back! beginning March 11, 12:30PM

Join us every Tuesday during Lent for a time of fellowship, featuring a delicious lunch and inspiring devotional messages from our guest speakers.

We will gather each week at 12:30PM in the gym. Lunch will include soup, sandwiches, and dessert. The cost of lunch is $5 per person. Each week’s speakers are listed below:

March 18: Janice Hoseine, Carolina Immigrant Alliance Staff

March 25: Josh Hunt, Interim Associate Coordinator for CBF of SC

April 1: Gary Walton, Pastor for Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church

April 8: Kara Wheeler, Director of Family Ministries for First Presbyterian Rock Hill

CLICK HERE to sign up

75th Anniversary Luncheon, July 13th, following worship

As we make plans for our special luncheon, we need to know how many plan to attend. More details about location and menu will be shared as we draw closer to the event. We look forward to celebrating with you!

CLICK HERE to sign up for lunch

Invitations to our 75th Celebration

Help us reach out to everyone with ties to Oakland as we prepare for our milestone 75th Anniversary celebration on July 13th. Whether they're former members, friends of the congregation, or others who have been impacted by our community of faith over the years - we want them to join us for this joyous occasion.

CLICK HERE to submit names..

Vacation Bible School, Monday, June 16-Thursday, June 19, 5:15PM-7:45PM

Register now for VBS at Oakland Baptist Church - the summer event that points children to Jesus, a faithful friend we can always trust! At VBS, we explore how easy it is to lose sight of what’s true in our wild world today and
learn that Jesus is our true north. You can expect a week full of faith discoveries, memorable music, and epic adventures that help children grow in friendship with Jesus. VBS is for those who have completed K-5th grade.

CLICK HERE to sign up to volunteer

CLICK HERE to sign up your child(ren)

Wednesday Nights at OBC, Dinner: 5:30PM-6:15PM, Programs for all ages: 6:15PM-7PM

Dinner is $7 per adult and $4 per child (5th grade and below). $30 max per family. You may pay with cash, check, or credit card. You may also pay in advance through Breeze.

CLICK HERE to sign up for dinner

Will you help with Mission Movers?

Our children meet each Sunday night to study scripture, learn about Cooperative Baptist Field Personnel, do mission projects, and have a great time together. Patrick Griffin leads Mission Movers, but extra adults are also needed. You can be part of helping us “Grow Young” while getting to know some awesome children.

CLICK HERE to pick a week or two to help with Mission Movers. All you have to do is show up. No prep is needed. For more information, contact Patrick (

Will you provide dinner for our Youth?

Every Sunday evening, youth group kicks off with a shared meal. This time of fellowship is a weekly highlight for our students. While parents often provide these meals, you are invited to do the same. Providing a meal is an excellent opportunity to get to know our students better and to spend quality time with them.

CLICK HERE to sign up to provide a youth group dinner. They aren’t picky, they simply like to eat! For more information, contact Patrick (

Meals at Bethel and Life House

Whether with your family, your Sunday School class, or a group of friends, serving a meal at Bethel or Life House is a great thing to do together. Both of these ministries provide vital services to folks in the Rock Hill community. If you have additional questions, contact Leigh Reynolds (

For more information or to pick a date to serve at Bethel CLICK HERE.

For more information or to pick a date to serve at Life House CLICK HERE.